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Member Access Information

ENTS is open again, and we’re excited to see everyone’s projects again. There are some changes to how the space works, though.

Visitor/member requirements

All visitors, including members, are expected to abide by the following:

  1. Use the provided hand sanitizer when entering the space.
  2. Maintain a 6 foot (2 metre) distance from any other person in the building.
  3. Before and after using any tool, wipe it down with the provided disinfectant.
  4. If you are sick, or required to be self-isolating, do not enter the building.
  5. Face coverings (masks which completely cover your nose, mouth, and chin) MUST be worn at all times.
  6. No food is permitted at the space due to no designated eating area. Drinks are permitted.

Tours are managed by the ENTS Board of Directors – please contact directors@ents.ca to book a tour.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

We strongly recommend that everyone brings their own PPE for their own safety. While ours will be available, we seriously recommend that everyone consider bringing their own.

Questions / reporting concerns

Please email questions and concerns to directors@ents.ca

Reports made against anyone will remain anonymous to the reported person(s).